Cessation (Short Film)
'Cessation' is an upcoming short film written by Director Lisette McAllister-Liew, highlighting the complex emotions and feelings that a young woman experiences, whilst navigating her way through a materialisation of her thoughts, in order to come to terms with a recent decision to undergo an abortion.
The music score that was composed for the feature, crosses along the lines of both thriller esque moments that strike mystery as the plot progresses, as well as giving leeway to the more emotional and quiet moments that are felt by the main protagonist, whilst she reconnects to her past.
This movie made its world premiere at the WA Made Film Festival on March 25, 2022.
It is a film that will immerse you into the sonics of broad sweeping synth lines that ebb and flow, accompanied by the undertone of dark mesmerizing drama encapsulated within the visuals.
Link To Short Film:
Link To Film Festival Program: